Tuesday, May 10, 2011
A Trip to the Doctor's Office
Ryan and I just got back from our monthly OB appointment. You know the phrase, "hurry up to wait"? That pretty much sums up our visit. After a rushed morning getting ready, we got to our appointment on time only to be told that the doctor was running three appointments behind schedule. WTF?? Couldn't the receptionist have made some phone calls to let us know? So far, Ryan and I have been pretty spoiled. We've had either a 2D or 4D scan at every one of our doctor's appointment. Ryan took off of work so that he could be at the appointment just in case we were lucky enough to get another glimpse of our little guy. Finally, after waiting in the waiting room and reading almost all of the reading material available, Dr. Higgins came out to greet us. I've really appreciated that Ryan has made a point of going to all of our appointments. However, I felt really bad that we he took off work and waited for so long for what consisted of a 10 minute Dr. visit. Dr. Higgins checked my blood pressure, felt my belly to make sure my uterus is rising and answered a couple of our questions. That was it. The quickest Dr. visit in history...if you don't count the long a** wait in the waiting room.