Saturday, July 30, 2011

How to Prepare Your Bub's Nursery

1. Find a quality line of baby furniture in the color and style that you prefer and discover that, like everything else in Oz, it's WAY overpriced.

2. Let your man search Gumtree (Aussie Craig's List) weekly/daily and search for the same furniture at a major discount.

3. Find the PERFECT Pre-Loved Furniture on at 50-60% off the market price, and decide that you're willing to pay that price.

4. Hire a Ute = Rent a Truck

5. Enlist the help of your strong Aussie Mate

6. Find the Historic Queenslander House where the furniture is and panic slightly as the men carefully carry the furniture down the steep flight of front steps.

7. Watch (and take pictures ) as the men load the Wardrobe into the back of the Ute, and use your helpful Mate's handy tie downs to secure the Wardrobe

8. Happily drive the new furniture home and confuse your aptartment receptionist by asking to use the "dolly", which the Aussies, of course, have another word for.

9. Use the "dolly" to get the furniture into your apartment and thoroughly clean it.

10. Smile as you put all of your baby's things away in his beautiful, new furniture, and then visit the room often to smile some more : )

Bub's new wardrobe ~ part armoire + part dresser + part book shelf = PERFECT!!

Bub's new can see the view of the back garden from his room

Plenty of space for storage

Daddy bought bub two stuffed crocodiles and a set of Aussie Animal Picture Books

Changing table with heaps of storage space and a
view of the garden and downtown Brisbane

The cot (= crib) which is presently housing the car carrier (= car seat),
bouncy chair, nursing pillow and nappy bag (= diaper bag)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Books Did Warn Me

To be fair, the books did warn me about this. But, I'm wondering why some moms think it's appropriate to tell other expectant moms their own motherhood horror stories. Why is is that when some women see a pregnant woman, they think of it as a license to warn the pregnant mom of all the negatives that may arise, whether that expectant mom asked for their input or not? Do they think they are helping by unloading a bunch of negative onto the happily expecting mom? To all the moms out there that find themselves doing this. Remember back to your pregnancy/ies. Remember how happy and excited your were? Did you enjoy having people dump their negativity on you instead of approaching you with a smile and telling you about all the happiness that comes from creating a family? I'm sure if you think back, you would rather have had the latter. So, to all moms out there... Next time you come across a pregnant lady and feel the need to unload a bunch of your own not so positive stories on her, STOP! And remember that each time you or someone else deposits a negative story on a happily expectant mom, you shave a little bit of her joy away. I'm sure this is not your intention, and I'm sure you think you're being helpful. But, in reality, you are doing the opposite. You are filling her with grim thoughts, and, in the end, she just might try to avoid you all together.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Long Walks & Over Stuffed Suitcases

Dear Baby,

We've had a busy last few days. Your daddy got back from his CA business trip, and not only did we sort and organize everything he brought back, but also we've been making sure to get out of the house to take a long walk every day.

I must admit, while he was gone I didn't get out of the house much. Of course, there was the occasional trip to the market, and I met up with Marg and Howard a couple of times. But, I didn't really make a point of walking for exercise while your daddy was gone. Since he's been home, we've gone walking every evening.

I love walking around our neighborhood. We live on a narrow peninsula called, Kangaroo Point. We live almost at the tip of the peninsula, near the park at the point. The Brisbane River is on both sides of our apartment, and there are lush, green park lands and footpaths running the length of the river. It makes for fantastic views as we walk.

The first two nights, I wore the wrong shoes. I didn't know we were going to walk 3 miles. Like I said, we're surrounded by nice views and once we started walking, we lost track of how far we had gone. My calves have been paying the price for my poor shoe choice. Last night, your daddy insisted I wear my runners (runners = tennis shoes in Oz), and I have to say, he was right. It's not a fashion contest ESPECIALLY when you're pregnant. Comfort is the priority.

Here are some pictures that your daddy took on the Dockside of Kangaroo Point just near Captain Burke Park and the Story Bridge.

I mentioned earlier about having to sort and organize every thing that your daddy brought back from The States. Since he travels often, he is allowed 3 pieces of luggage, a carry-on and a personal bag. We made sure to take full advantage of this Gold Member perk.

Not only did he bring home your car seat, a nappy (diaper) bag, clothes from both Auntie Nicole and Grandma Linda, lots of burp clothes, socks, mittens, a knitted blanket from Grandma Linda, crib sheets and a crib skirt, and an ear thermometer. But, he also brought back maternity clothes for me, new clothes and shoes for himself, some bottles of beer (your daddy likes quality beer)and a bunch of little glass bottles with corks for me to make beach wedding favors. I don't know how he did it, but he fit everything into his suitcases and wasn't charged any extra weight fees. Score!!

We're starting the 3rd trimester in a few days. The books say that this week you should weigh 2 lbs and be 10 inches long. I would have to agree. I can feel you moving and kicking on both sides of my belly at the same time. And recently, you started getting the hiccups. I love it!
Things are coming along, Baby. There are just a few more things we need to buy, but other than that, we are ready for you.


Friday, July 8, 2011

A Few of my Favorite Things

We now have clothes for 4 different age levels: Newborn, 3-6 months, 6-9 months and 18-24 months thanks to the generosity of our families, a little online shopping by Mommy, and Daddy's willingness to lug it all back from the States. Baby's dresser is quickly getting filled up, and I have a few favorite things.

Top Left Photo: Ryan's mom sent the most adorable little sandals and his sister, Nicole, sent the "Cool Like Daddy" onesie. Love them!

Top Right Photo: Ryan's sister sent a mini cowboy hat so that baby can match daddy when we go to the beach. And Marg bought baby a vintage looking cot quilt with stars.

Middle Row left: Last weekend, Ryan and I went to the Chandler Markets. We found this Crocodile bath towel for baby. When we move home next year, baby will still have a little piece of Australia at bath time.

Middle: Ryan's dad, Kirk, and his wife, Linda, bought this cute baby robe. I always love a baby fresh out of a bath. Especially one wearing an adorable, yellow duck robe.

Middle Row Right: Ryan's mom and sister have sent some clothes for the baby... these are just a few of my favorite outfits.

Bottom Row Left: Here's the cowboy hat again. And Auntie Nicole also bought baby a onesie that will remind everyone who baby will have gotten his good looks from : )

Bottom Row Right: Hats, hats and more hats. Who doesn't love a newborn in a cute hat? We have 5-6 cotton newborn hats. But, I think the one with trucks is my favorite.

Everything is so small and cute. I can't wait for bub to be born so that we can start using all of these things. But, until then we'll just wash and store his things and continue to look forward to October.

Just You and Me Baby!

Dear Baby,

Your Daddy had to fly to the US yesterday for work. There's a work conference in San Diego next week. He flew in a couple days early so that he can spend time with your Kearn Grandparents in the Bay Area before flying to San Diego on Sunday night. He'll be gone for 12 days. So, I guess it's just you and me baby.

Yesterday morning, we dropped your daddy at the Brisbane Airport, and then we met Marg at
The French Twist in Paddington, one of my favorite places to go.

(The Interior of The French Twist)

We ate a chicken, tomato, cheese and avocado sandwich on the most delicious focaccia bread. I had already had my allotted one flat white for the day. So, I was good and got a bottle of Blood Orange Pellegrino with lunch. Yum! Marg and I had a nice chat over lunch. I think you enjoyed your self too because you got really active half way through lunch. Maybe it was the blood orange sparkling water.

After lunch, we drove to the Indooroopilly Mall, another one of my favorite places to go. We stocked up on some more diapers and got a few more wash clothes. Marg bought you a gift, too. It's a white cot quilt with red, cream and blue stars on it. It's sort of vintage looking, and I love it. It's already hanging over your cot railing.

I'm sure you'll spend heaps of time laying on that quilt.
So, one day down and eleven more to go, Baby. What are we to do?? I guess we'll just take it one day at a time. It's always the first few days that are the hardest. I've made a list of everything I want to get done while Daddy is away. I guess we'll go get started on that list...


Friday, July 1, 2011

Daddy Surprises

We had Christmas in July today. There were two BIG boxes delivered in the mail. We've been expecting a couple of care packages from Ryan's sister, but I didn't think Auntie Nicole would send anything that BIG. Ryan carried the packages up to the apartment and acted aloof as I tried to read the print on the sides of the boxes to figure out what our mystery packages might contain. I saw the words Urban Elite on the bigger box and knew right away that Ryan must have ordered the newborn carrier for the stroller that we bought a few weeks ago. He is full of surprises, and I L♥VE it!

The pram that we bought has two carrying options using the same frame. In the beginning, you use the newborn carrier (see pictures below). As the baby gets bigger and can sit up, you take the newborn carrier off and put the standard seat back on. The littler package had the travel case that we'll need when we fly.

Ryan got right to work taking the standard seat off of the frame, screwing in the newborn carrier's clips and fastening the carrier to the frame. Then, we tested out the rain cover that we'll most definitely need in tropical Queensland. Now, we're all ready to take our little guy on walks. Thanks Daddy!!