Like I've said before, Target in Oz, is NOTHING like Target in America. I wish like hell it was, but it's not. It's more like a cross between a low-budget Ross and out-of-date Kmart. It might even be worse than that. The selection is non-existent and the prices are outrageous. Anyways, for basic supplies like nappies, Target will have to do.
Even though we love living in Australia, it's difficult seeing the things we want online at American stores, but being unable to find the same things here. Or if we do see the same products here, they are heaps more expensive than in the US. One example is the Fischer Price Space Saver High Chair. At, there is quite a selection to choose from and they are about $40-50. This is the one we REALLY like....

... and it's $50 at in the US.
We've only seen one here and it's NOT the nicer padded one. How ugly is this?

A few days after I went shopping for the basic supplies, Ryan and I went to Bubs, a baby superstore here in Brisbane. We went to test out the stroller that we want. I LOVE this stroller. (But, we prefer the red area to be dark charcoal gray)

The plan is for Ryan to buy it in the States when he's there in July for a business trip. Buying it in America will save us $200+. But, this particular stroller is sold here, so we went to check it out in person to decide if we really like it. It was priceless seeing Ryan pushing the empty stroller around the store to see if he liked it as much as he did when he read about it online. He does!
After that, we went to another, less expensive store and bought a few blue blankets and a couple of newborn soothers (pacifiers), just in case!!
I realize that a lot of men aren't as involved with these purchases as Ryan is. I think I am a very lucky lady that bub's daddy is so keen to be involved!