Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Farewell to Julie and Thomas

Julie and her bub, Thomas, are moving to Chicago to be with her Aussie husband while he is working there. For the past 6 months, she has been over here with Thomas, while her husband has mostly been over there, 10,000 miles away. I can only imagine how excited she is to be on a plane heading towards him even as I write this post. I am so happy that she gets to not only be a family again, but also gets to have an incredible adventure in Chicago for the next few years.  

Yesterday, all of the mums & bubs (minus Emily/Rory) met up in New Farm Park after Rhyme Time to say our goodbyes. Anna made an excellent (understatement) flour-less cake. She brought it warm with real plates and silverware. It was delicious and much appreciated.  We were happy that, even with all the craziness that comes with moving, Julie was able to pop over for a bit. She left Thomas at home sleeping, so we weren't able to properly say goodbye to him. Something tells me he won't mind too much. I'm hoping to see Julie and Thomas again some day. I told her that she needs to come to California while they are living in the US and that we can take the bubs to Disneyland. How fun would that be??

It's always exciting to get the babies together.  Every week, it seems they've reached some new milestone that is hilarious to observe. They are starting to interact with each other and steal each others toys. The grass is always greener isn't it?? They are also starting to move about, which is keeping some of the mums on their toes. All in all, it was a lovely day for a farewell picnic complete with chocolate cake!!