Monday, May 28, 2012

Creating Nicholas' Toy Corner

Until yesterday, we've had Nicholas' toys in a semi-unorganized pile in the corner of the living room sort of near the television. Every morning, we put him in the middle of the living room as we grab a few of his favorites, place them near him and say good morning to them before playing. Until yesterday, he was content with this.  Ryan and I knew that we'd eventually have to organize his toys somehow and create a little play area for him. Whether this be in his bedroom or the living room or in Oz or California was a mystery. Yesterday, when our almost 7 month old rolled and scooted over to his toy pile under the TV and grabbed his own toys, we knew it was time to get them out where he could see them and choose for himself.

We created a play area in the corner of our living room by clearing off an Ikea bookshelf and turning it on it's side. Since we're moving home to California in a few months, we decided to donate heaps of books. Any books that we didn't donate will be boxed up and stored until moving day.

This sideways bookshelf makes a perfect toy storage area, and I'm thinking I might like the same thing for his room once we're in California.

I think Nicholas is enjoying his toy area, too.

In fact, today he reached out excitedly and grabbed, "Bessie", our singing Old McDonald Cow from Grandma and Grandpa Kearn. After that, he wanted "Crikey" and "Cameron" our resident Crocodiles. He didn't stop there....he proceeded to pull out more and more toys.

 Ryan and I both are on the same page as far as how we expect our kid/s to clean their messes up each day before they go to bed. Some may say, "good luck with that". But, we really do believe that if you train them early, it can happen.  At what age can that training start is my question? As you may know, a baby's attention span is short. They play with something for 1 minute and then they're onto the next adventure. Nicholas pulled half of his toys out and it wasn't even noon yet.  Guess who gets to put all of those toys away every night? Yup, mommy and daddy. It's alright. He's only 7 months old.  We're just happy to see him content and enjoying his new "play room".