Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Arrogant Bastard

Stone Brewery's Arrogant Bastard is a much loved beer in the Kearn house. Can you tell? I've never been to San Diego's Stone Brewery, but Ryan has gone        many times and assures me that I will love it. I'm excited to go in the fall. I've   liked all of the beer he's brought back to Oz. So, I'm sure it'll be another            favorite brewery of mine, as well. Last year, when he was in San Diego for a      sales meeting, he bought Nicholas the "My Daddy is an Arrogant Bastard"          onesie. Most people wouldn't understand it's meaning, and might even think,     "why are they dressing that baby in that outfit?". But, we know... and that's       what counts. Right?  This past weekend, we had a nice relaxing Sunday             afternoon on the patio enjoying our beer and our bub.