When I was 4 weeks pregnant, Ryan and I went to a fertility specialist. It had been 6 months since I miscarried, and we were going to have a few tests done to figure out why we weren't getting pregnant again. Ironically, as it turns out I was already 4 weeks pregnant when we went to the specialist. After that, he asked us to return at 6 weeks and 7 weeks to measure the baby and listen to the heart beat. So, our first two appointments were with the specialist who we thought was going to run tests to determine our fertility. Ironic, huh?
So, yesterday we had our first visit with Arrivals Obstetrics. Arrivals is a team of four Obstetricians who all practice together. Throughout my pregnancy, we'll make appointments with each of the four doctors. That way, on the final day we will be comfortable with who ever is on call while I am in labor. The team also consists of four midwifes who are there to assist the mums-to-be in between appointments.
We were hoping to have another scan since it's been 4 weeks since the last one. We know there's been significant development with the bub since then, and we were looking forward to being able to see him/her again. We were pleasantly surprised when Dr. Higgins led us into the ultra sound room. It's too early for me to feel it, but the baby was moving all over. It was amazing!

(10 weeks, 5 Days)