With only days to go until we start the 2nd Trimester, we are now ready to announce that we're expecting a little bub at the end of October!!
Right away, we shared the happy news with our immediate family, but decided that we'd keep it a secret from everyone else until we were further along.
Most of you know that I'm not so good with secrets. This has been one difficult secret for me to keep. In fact, once I even spilled the beans accidentally on Face Book. Ironically, only one of my friends noticed and asked me if it was my "way of announcing without announcing". ♥ Thanks Valerie for keeping the secret for us even if I couldn't.
We've had three ultrasounds and the baby is steadily growing and has a strong heart beat. At this point, we haven't found out the sex. But, we're planning to find out in the next few weeks... stay tuned!
As you can imagine Ryan and I are extremely excited. We even started this new joint blog to keep all of the updates in one location. (If you want to look at any of the previously unpublished posts, you can click on the blog archive to the right).
Thank you to all of our family and friends for your ongoing love and support. Even though we are 7,000 miles away from all of you, we haven't noticed any distance.
♥ Love Cristi and Ryan