I am now officially a week into my 2nd Trimester, and I feel great. Even though it may just look like like I've eaten too many cookies , I'm starting to get a bit of a baby bump. The only thing that I want to wear are stretchable, cotton skirts or sundresses. I have two pairs of early maternity stretch jeans that I wear on overcast days. Thankfully, so far my regular clothes are still working for me. But, I might just find a maternity store in the next week or two to see what my options are.
A few days ago, we had the Nuchal Translucency Scan. It's an ultrasound where the fluid in the back of the baby's neck is measured. That measurement plus my age and blood test information is calculated to give us a risk factor for Downs Syndrome. We went to the appointment not knowing that we'd also get a 4D glimpse at our baby as well as find out the sex. During the scan, the baby was being uncooperative. He needed to be in a certain position for the technician to make a correct measurement. I don't think he liked the pressure of the ultrasound wand and was moving all over the place. Anyways, because he was being uncooperative, we were scanned for an hour. During that hour, the tech switched between the regular 2D ultrasound and the 4D ultrasound, where she found, took pictures of and labeled all the exterior body parts as well as the four chambers of the heart, two kidneys, a bladder and both halves of the brain. Ultrasounds are pretty amazing!!
During the ultrasound, we let the tech know that if she could determine the sex we wanted to know. She told us that if it's a boy, the boy parts will be sitting more perpendicular to the baby's spine. If it was a girl, the girl parts would be laying more parallel to the spine. When we looked, we could see that his boy parts were at a definite 90* to the spine. He's a BOY!!

Ryan and I have both said we'll be happy with anything as long as he/she is healthy. But, I know that Ryan really wanted a boy. Feeling his happiness over the news that he is going to have a son was priceless, and we've been pretty smiley since that day!