Yesterday marked the beginning of our 23rd week. Your daddy and I are excited to watch my belly grow and know that you're safely growing and developing inside of me. Over the past month, your kicks have gotten stronger and more frequent, and we LOVE it. You are most active in the afternoon and evenings. Sometimes, your daddy plays with you by pushing on the side of my belly that is twitching and rolling, and you respond by immediately kicking back. It's fun to watch and feel as your Daddy pushes, you kick, daddy pushes again, you kick again...and so on.
I used to notice how pregnant women frequently held onto or rubbed their bellies. I assumed they were doing it to help support the weight of their baby. That's part of it. But, now I realize there's more to it than that, and I've turned into one of those pregnant ladies that I used to notice. I find myself constantly holding, touching or rubbing my belly. It not only makes me feel closer to you, but also I don't want to miss any of your movements. Even as I write this, you are kicking away ~ What a GREAT feeling that it. Thankfully, you're a good baby and seem to sleep when I want to sleep. So, I haven't been kept awake by your kicks.
Yesterday, your daddy took a bunch of pictures. He really cracks me up. That is something you should know about him. He is really funny, and makes me laugh every day. He took about 25 pictures, and I am laughing uncontrollably in more than half of them. Here are a few of us in front of your changing table.

I love you already!