We were pleasantly surprised when we woke up on Monday and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. We decided to take a long walk along the river. We packed a picnic lunch and stopped to eat it at the Kangaroo Point Parklands. The park was filled with heaps of other people also enjoying the unexpected 75* weather.
After lunch, we continued on along the river to the Maritime Museum, where Jessica Watson's Sailboat Ella's Pink Lady is on display. I followed the story of this courageous 16 year old's adventure sailing her little, pink boat around the world solo, non-stop and unassisted and had been looking forward to visiting the Maritime Museum to see Ella's Pink Lady in person.

After visiting the museum, Ryan and I walked even further. It was such a beautiful day. I had no desire to go home and sit on the couch. Instead, we walked across the pedestrian bridge, into the botanic gardens, through the mangrove boardwalks and back home. It was pretty much the longest walk we've taken since we found out I was pregnant in January.

The baby must have been rocked to sleep by all the walking. But, once we were home and I was sitting quietly, he woke up and started kicking like crazy! I love that feeling. He's been kicking for about 4-5 weeks now, and for the past couple weeks we've been able to see the kicks. Sometimes when he kicks, I'll lift my shirt and we watch as his kicks make my belly bounce. But, last night something new happened. I was laying on the floor with a heat wheat under my back. All of a sudden, it felt like the baby was twisting and turning. I lifted my shirt and watched as my belly rolled. Ryan was sitting on the couch a few feet away, and watched as my belly moved in a wave like motion. It was so cool!!
I know that this is just the beginning of all the movements and kicks, and I have 4 more months to experience this incredible feeling. I may eat my words later. But, I don't think I'll ever grow tired of it.