I found a pregnancy website that says "generally nesting kicks in around the 5th month". I am just ending my 5th month, so I guess that means I am "normal", after all. The website goes on to say that for some women nesting doesn't happen until later and for other women it doesn't happen at all. But, the most interesting fact mentioned on the site was that dads can experience the nesting instinct, as well.
He'll NEVER admit it. But, I think Ryan has started nesting. He has cleaned out and organized a couple of closets, and he's every bit as interested as I am in getting bub's room ready. Yesterday, with the help of Roger, our property manager, he disassembled my project table and took it downstairs to our storage cage. After that, he hung a couple of Ikea Star Wall Lamps above the new changing table so that when we (notice I wrote "we") change baby's diaper in the middle of the night, we don't have to turn on the bright overhead light.

When I thanked Ryan for helping me, he said, "of course, I want to help get baby's room ready". And the room is coming along. We still have to get a dresser. But, other than that... it's looking good : )