We now have clothes for 4 different age levels: Newborn, 3-6 months, 6-9 months and 18-24 months thanks to the generosity of our families, a little online shopping by Mommy, and Daddy's willingness to lug it all back from the States. Baby's dresser is quickly getting filled up, and I have a few favorite things.
Top Left Photo: Ryan's mom sent the most adorable little sandals and his sister, Nicole, sent the "Cool Like Daddy" onesie. Love them!
Top Right Photo: Ryan's sister sent a mini cowboy hat so that baby can match daddy when we go to the beach. And Marg bought baby a vintage looking cot quilt with stars.
Middle Row left: Last weekend, Ryan and I went to the Chandler Markets. We found this Crocodile bath towel for baby. When we move home next year, baby will still have a little piece of Australia at bath time.
Middle: Ryan's dad, Kirk, and his wife, Linda, bought this cute baby robe. I always love a baby fresh out of a bath. Especially one wearing an adorable, yellow duck robe.
Middle Row Right: Ryan's mom and sister have sent some clothes for the baby... these are just a few of my favorite outfits.
Bottom Row Left: Here's the cowboy hat again. And Auntie Nicole also bought baby a onesie that will remind everyone who baby will have gotten his good looks from : )
Bottom Row Right: Hats, hats and more hats. Who doesn't love a newborn in a cute hat? We have 5-6 cotton newborn hats. But, I think the one with trucks is my favorite.
Everything is so small and cute. I can't wait for bub to be born so that we can start using all of these things. But, until then we'll just wash and store his things and continue to look forward to October.