Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Books Did Warn Me

To be fair, the books did warn me about this. But, I'm wondering why some moms think it's appropriate to tell other expectant moms their own motherhood horror stories. Why is is that when some women see a pregnant woman, they think of it as a license to warn the pregnant mom of all the negatives that may arise, whether that expectant mom asked for their input or not? Do they think they are helping by unloading a bunch of negative onto the happily expecting mom? To all the moms out there that find themselves doing this. Remember back to your pregnancy/ies. Remember how happy and excited your were? Did you enjoy having people dump their negativity on you instead of approaching you with a smile and telling you about all the happiness that comes from creating a family? I'm sure if you think back, you would rather have had the latter. So, to all moms out there... Next time you come across a pregnant lady and feel the need to unload a bunch of your own not so positive stories on her, STOP! And remember that each time you or someone else deposits a negative story on a happily expectant mom, you shave a little bit of her joy away. I'm sure this is not your intention, and I'm sure you think you're being helpful. But, in reality, you are doing the opposite. You are filling her with grim thoughts, and, in the end, she just might try to avoid you all together.