Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Energy Crisis
It's amazing how such a little thing can deplete your energy. I've always thought that it was only after a woman was large and obviously pregnant that she'd be tired. I thought, of course she's tired she's lugging around a huge belly all day. I never imagined how tired I'd be in the beginning months when our baby is only the size of a prune. I can't even do a sink full of dishes in the morning without needing a two hour break afterward. I am really thankful that I'm able to take those frequently needed breaks throughout the day. I can't imagine working a full time job feeling like this. Every morning, I start out with a grand plan of being more active and getting more done. And then I hit a wall by lunch, and I find myself on the couch watching Oprah again. I've read that once we hit the 2nd trimester in two weeks my energy level will increase. I sure hope so because I'm ready to have some of my energy back.