It's hard to believe that you're due to arrive in 10 days... But, you could make your big debut any time now. These last days have been filled with many different emotions. We are so excited for you to be born so that we can meet you and give you snuggles. I think my favorite feeling is when you get the hiccups. It feels like a little rhythmic heart beat in my belly. They aren't painful, and I know your lungs are getting a healthy workout. Ironically, you just started hiccuping as I wrote that last sentence. Too funny!!
280 Days is a long time to be pregnant, and I am especially looking forward to you being born. I've enjoyed carrying you, and I've loved my pregnant body. However, these last weeks have been quite uncomfortable, and there have been a lot of days when I've really wished for you to be born. I'm usually content until mid to late afternoon. The midwife told us that this is normal. My body gets tired by then and that's when the discomfort generally starts. The discomfort comes in the form of Braxton Hicks contractions and cramping, both of which are normal and considered good preparation for actual labor. During the more painful moments, I've been practicing relaxing and deep breathing. I also imagine your cute little face, and all of that combined seems to help. I've also been having not only lower back pain, but also pubic bone pain, which is, again, normal since you have dropped and your head is putting pressure on the bone.

We've only taken photos, but it would be fun to take a video so that you can see how I move these days. Between the Braxton Hicks, cramping, back and pubic bone pain, I now move very, very slowly. It's more of a waddle where I sway from side to side. Even when I try to move faster...there is NO moving fast! Your daddy has been so supportive, and I love that he helps me off the couch, in and out of the bath, in and out of the bed and pretty much any other time I need help ~ which these days is pretty often.
We haven't done a whole lot in the last month. We've stuck pretty close to home. While your daddy works from home, our days are filled with cooking, baking, cleaning, reading, gardening, watching movies, IMing family/friends and the occasional swim. Swimming is THE BEST! I would live in the pool if I could. The buoyancy of the water helps relieve all of the discomfort and heaviness I'm feeling. The hardest part is getting out of the pool. I feel three times heavier than before I get in, and it's a bit difficult to make myself get out.
All in all, this has been an incredible journey over the past 9 months. We have loved seeing you in the ultrasound pictures, and I've loved feeling you growing inside of me, even when you've been a bit rough and have hurt me. It just means that you're a strong baby and that you're developing like you should. Your daddy and I are very much looking forward to your arrival. Our hospital bags are packed and we're ready to go. Now, it's up to you to decide when you want to arrive. But, for the record, you should know, I'll be happy with sooner rather than later.
I love you already,