This past weekend, Ryan and I went to our pre-natal class. I am, admittedly, a HUGE wimp when it comes to hospitals, doctors and/or medical procedures. Always have been. I was the kid who passed out while on a 6th grade field trip to a hospital. They had to admit me, and my mom had to drive to the hospital to pick me up. Yup, that's how serious my fear of hospitals is. So, it wasn't a big surprise to me or Ryan when I got slightly anxious during the hospital tour of the birthing suites on Friday night. I think seeing the actual birthing room made it a reality. After the hospital tour, we ended the night with 14 other expecting couples in a class like setting. I didn't feel too worried during the class. However, after we returned home that night the restlessness began. To say I didn't sleep well would probably be an understatement. I don't think I slept AT ALL. I was obsessing about the labor and all that is involved with that. And I, of course, kept going to a negative place thinking about a lot of the worst case scenarios. I must have finally fallen asleep at some point. However, I woke up early Saturday feeling sluggish and drained. We had the second part of our pre-natal class, an 8 hour Saturday class, to get to. So, even though we were both tired, we got ourselves to the early morning class. We settled into our chairs and prepared for the long day ahead. Before that day, I was, honestly, looking forward to the class. I was excited to meet other expectant mums and dads, and I was anticipating learning things I hadn't read about in the books. But, after a couple of hours, I started to be filled with trepidation. I can't say exactly what made me so filled with terror. All I know is that it felt like someone had turned the heater on high. I began sweating profusely, I felt faint, and I couldn't drink water fast enough. I kept looking at Ryan with scared eyes, and he kept rubbing my leg and reassuring me that I was fine. I was far from fine. I was in the middle of a severe panic attack. I was sure that I was going to be the pregnant lady who passed out at the pre-natal class, and that thought wasn't helping my already escalating panic attack. The last 20 minutes before lunch felt like 3 hours. I was glued to my chair for fear that if I stood up I would either pass out or throw up. But, what I really wanted to do was to get myself outside and get fresh air. As soon as we were dismissed for lunch, I hightailed it for the door with Ryan close behind. Once outside in the fresh air, I felt a hundred times better. We walked to Subway for lunch and as we sat there eating our sandwiches, I tried to explain to Ryan how I was feeling. Like I mentioned earlier, I have never been good with hospitals and/or medical procedures and listening to the midwives explain all of the possible worst case scenarios was just too much for me. I was imagining them ALL happening to me, and it made me panic. The funny thing is that none of the information was new to me. I've read about it in the books and on the Ipad apps. So, I'm not sure why it effected me so strongly that morning. In the end, Ryan and I didn't return to the class. I told Ryan that I just couldn't see sitting in the class and panicking for 3 more hours. That is not an ideal situation for me or baby. We had already had the two parts of the class that I was really looking forward to ~ The Hospital Tour and the Non-Pharmaceutical Pain Relief Options. I was so thankful that Ryan didn't make me feel bad about leaving early. Instead, he suggested the we walk along the river and go check out my favorite outdoor market, The Life Style Market in Southbank. After we got home, we took a long nap and recovered from the lack of sleep the night before. When we woke up Ryan and I talked about my anxiety, and he made me feel much better. I realized then that when I was thinking about the hospital and all the pain and panic that will most likely happen that day, I wasn't thinking about the light at the end of the tunnel ~ Our Baby! I wasn't ever getting to the end of the labor process and imagining that I'd be holding our baby in my arms. After this realization, I wrote out of a list of all the positive reasons to welcome labor. Since then, I have felt fantastic. I now welcome labor and say, "Bring it on!"

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Precious Previews 3D/4D Ultrasound
A few days ago, we visited Precious Previews and had a 3D/4D scan of our baby boy. We had been waiting for this day for months, and we were very excited. Ryan and I have both been to this type of scan before. I was there six year's ago for our nephew, Mark's, scan, and Ryan and I both went to our niece, Kaylee's, scan two years ago. But, nothing can prepare you for the 3D/4D scan of your own baby. It was INCREDIBLE!
I know there's a baby inside me. Believe me... I can feel his strong legs kicking me. But, to see his precious face and to see how much he looks like Daddy made me smile bigger than I thought was possible. Now, whenever I get uncomfortable, and I think his kicking and has gone on long enough, I look at the pictures of his gorgeous face and it helps me through the discomfort. How can I not smile??
The only thing that would have made the day more exciting would have been to have had our parents and siblings with us. The centre is set up to include families. There is a large, leather sectional couch and a huge, flat screen TV. We invited Marg and Howard, bub's surrogate Aussie Grandparents, to join us. But, they had family obligations in Melbourne and weren't able to make it. So, Ryan and I went alone. It was still magical. It is our baby, after all. But, it would have been nice to share it with family.
I uploaded the pictures to FB right away, and Ryan worked on getting the 20 minute video uploaded, as well. So, even though our families weren't able to be there in person, thanks to the Internet, they have been able to get a glimpse of bub. And now, it seems everyone is smiling!
I know there's a baby inside me. Believe me... I can feel his strong legs kicking me. But, to see his precious face and to see how much he looks like Daddy made me smile bigger than I thought was possible. Now, whenever I get uncomfortable, and I think his kicking and has gone on long enough, I look at the pictures of his gorgeous face and it helps me through the discomfort. How can I not smile??
The only thing that would have made the day more exciting would have been to have had our parents and siblings with us. The centre is set up to include families. There is a large, leather sectional couch and a huge, flat screen TV. We invited Marg and Howard, bub's surrogate Aussie Grandparents, to join us. But, they had family obligations in Melbourne and weren't able to make it. So, Ryan and I went alone. It was still magical. It is our baby, after all. But, it would have been nice to share it with family.
I uploaded the pictures to FB right away, and Ryan worked on getting the 20 minute video uploaded, as well. So, even though our families weren't able to be there in person, thanks to the Internet, they have been able to get a glimpse of bub. And now, it seems everyone is smiling!
Maternity Photo Shoot
This past week, our friend, Aaron, offered to take some photos of us. So far, all of our pregnancy pictures have been taken by Ryan. So, daddy hasn't been able to be in any of them. We decided to take advantage of Aaron's superior photography skills since he'll be moving to California in two weeks to be with his beautiful fiance, Patty. This was our last chance for an Aaron Kelly Photo Shoot.
We had fun posing with "the bump" and chatting with our good mate. The pictures were taken a couple blocks from our apartment at the Kangaroo Point Parklands. It's a special place for us since we walk along the river through the Parklands most evenings. Since the photo shoot, as we pass the location, I make sure to comment about "our bench", "our tree" or "here's where bub was a little bastard".
The last comment is because half way through the photo shoot bub decided to get into an awkward position causing me much pain. For the past couple of weeks, he's been wedging some body part down into my left hip and it feels like a nerve is being seriously pinched. It sends shooting pains down my left leg almost paralyzing it, and it also causes pains to shoot upwards towards my back. Sometimes, it lasts just a few minutes and I can lay on my side and breath through the pain. Other times, it is almost more than I can handle and has brought me to tears. This time, it was causing such a severe pain that I, honestly, thought I was going to pass out. Ryan and Aaron were great. Ryan guided me back towards the park, and Aaron patiently walked with us at my super slow pace. As soon as we got to an open space, I laid down on the grass hoping to readjust bub. A few minutes later, I felt him shift and the pain eased. Phew!!
Thankfully, bub readjusted just in time to take advantage of the last minutes of daylight. Below are our favorite pictures from that day.
We had fun posing with "the bump" and chatting with our good mate. The pictures were taken a couple blocks from our apartment at the Kangaroo Point Parklands. It's a special place for us since we walk along the river through the Parklands most evenings. Since the photo shoot, as we pass the location, I make sure to comment about "our bench", "our tree" or "here's where bub was a little bastard".
The last comment is because half way through the photo shoot bub decided to get into an awkward position causing me much pain. For the past couple of weeks, he's been wedging some body part down into my left hip and it feels like a nerve is being seriously pinched. It sends shooting pains down my left leg almost paralyzing it, and it also causes pains to shoot upwards towards my back. Sometimes, it lasts just a few minutes and I can lay on my side and breath through the pain. Other times, it is almost more than I can handle and has brought me to tears. This time, it was causing such a severe pain that I, honestly, thought I was going to pass out. Ryan and Aaron were great. Ryan guided me back towards the park, and Aaron patiently walked with us at my super slow pace. As soon as we got to an open space, I laid down on the grass hoping to readjust bub. A few minutes later, I felt him shift and the pain eased. Phew!!
Thankfully, bub readjusted just in time to take advantage of the last minutes of daylight. Below are our favorite pictures from that day.

Visit to Dr. Bretz
I went to our 28 week Doctor's appointment by myself. Ryan was working in Beijing for the week, and I didn't want to reschedule our appointment. It was a little strange going alone. I know many women go to most of the their appointments alone. But, I've been really lucky. I'm almost 7 months along, and until this appointment, Ryan hadn't missed one.
Anyways, I took the ferry up river to the stop closest to Arrivals and walked the rest of the way. It felt good to get out and walk, and it was a lot easier than finding parking alone.
The appointment was another routine appointment. Dr. Bretz checked my blood pressure, weighed me and measured my bump. My blood pressure was great, I had gained 6 more lbs. since the last appointment, and my bump measured at 30cm., which was right on target for that time. Dr. Bretz also told me the results from our gestational diabetes screening. I am happy to say that we are in the clear. No gestational diabetes here!!
After the OB appointment, I decided to walk home. It's really not that far. But, halfway home my belly got super tight, and my slow walk became a snail's pace waddle. I crossed the river over the pedestrian bridge and walked through the botanic garden. The garden is ideally located directly across the river from our apartment. At the far end of the garden, I jumped on the ferry to cross the river back home to Kangaroo Point.
Anyways, I took the ferry up river to the stop closest to Arrivals and walked the rest of the way. It felt good to get out and walk, and it was a lot easier than finding parking alone.
The appointment was another routine appointment. Dr. Bretz checked my blood pressure, weighed me and measured my bump. My blood pressure was great, I had gained 6 more lbs. since the last appointment, and my bump measured at 30cm., which was right on target for that time. Dr. Bretz also told me the results from our gestational diabetes screening. I am happy to say that we are in the clear. No gestational diabetes here!!
After the OB appointment, I decided to walk home. It's really not that far. But, halfway home my belly got super tight, and my slow walk became a snail's pace waddle. I crossed the river over the pedestrian bridge and walked through the botanic garden. The garden is ideally located directly across the river from our apartment. At the far end of the garden, I jumped on the ferry to cross the river back home to Kangaroo Point.
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