What better way to spend Boxing Day, December 26th, than to visit the Botanic Gardens? The
Mt. Coot-tha Botanic Gardens are a short drive from our house and are at the foot of Brisbane's tallest mountain, Mt. Coot-tha. We've been there a few times before. But, we've never taken Nicholas. Because we had spent both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the house, it was nice to get out and smell the fresh, summer air. We found a nice shaded area on Wedding Lawn #1 and plopped ourselves down for a rest. Nicholas nursed while Ryan made sure the giant
water dragons stayed far away from us. Someday, I'm sure Nicholas will bring me lizards. However, I DON'T look forward to that day. I really do hate lizards!! And boy do they grow them big here.

We didn't stay long. But, it was nice to get out and have a family day at the beautiful gardens of Mt. Coot-tha.